A pile of red chili peppers in a basket.

Top 5 Reasons To Eat Chilies

They contain:

  1. 105% of your RDA for iodine which is essential for growth, development, reproduction, and metabolism and maintains normal thyroid function.

  1. 63% of your RDA for vitamin B12 which works with folate to decrease our risk of heart disease and cancer along with turning fats and protein into energy.

  1. 52% of your RDA for selenium which produces several antioxidants (cleansers), regenerates the activity of vitamins C and E and enhances our immune system.

  1. 52% of your RDA for phosphorus which is required by every cell in our bodies to work normally, is critical in creating our energy and maintaining the chemical balance of our bodies.

  1. 30% of your RDA for omega 3 EPA/DHA which significantly reduces our risk of heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

Author: www.checkyourfood.com / Pinterest


Picture of Andreea Magliano

Andreea Magliano

This is my blog with recipes cooked by myself. I hope you will enjoy the recipe and will share the content on social media!

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