A close up of a dessert with powdered sugar.

Spice it up! Crème Anglaise

It’s spice it up day here on Magliano’s Comfort Food and spice doesn’t necessarily mean spicy! Spice can come in many forms. We can talk about chili or some vanilated sugar, salt or cinnamon, even a mix like garam masala, or just some grated lemon zest.

So today it’s all about that amazing flavor that orange zest holds and how to make the most of it!

We got the recipe from FoodWishes which is an amazing YouTube channel and blog as well.



  • Heavy Cream (225 gr / 1 cup)
  • White Granulated Sugar (67 gr / 1/3 cup)
  • Egg Yolks (2 large ones)
  • Grand Marnier (1 tbsp)
  • Vanilla Extract (1/4 tsp)
  • Fresh Orange Zest (the grated zest from one small orange or half from a large orange)

(Makes about 225 gr/1 cup)




Take all of your ingredients except the orange zest and whisk them together in a small, but heavy saucepan.

Place the saucepan over med-low heat, and cook, stirring constantly and scraping the bottom of the pan with a rubber spatula, until the mixture is hot, and thickens slightly (around 8-10 minutes).

The mixture should not come to a simmer (but close).

The temperature should be around 82 degrees C / 180 degrees F. when it’s done.

Remove from the heat, strain to remove any over-cooked particles of egg, and let cool.

When it has cooled down, you can add the fresh orange zest to the sauce.

Serve ice cold with hot soufflé.




Tip: Rich and creamy Crème Anglaise is perfect drizzled over fresh fruit, pound cake, or other desserts.







Picture of Andreea Magliano

Andreea Magliano

This is my blog with recipes cooked by myself. I hope you will enjoy the recipe and will share the content on social media!

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